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Haryana Council of Open Schooling

Haryana Council of Open Schooling

The Haryana Council of Open Schooling was registered. To offer specialized services to the government and other agencies in the field of education, in general, and school education, in particular, for the development and growth of distance and open school system and develop proper curriculum for vocational and enduring education to prepare student population for the world of work. To as certain linkages with traditional education systems like State Open Schools, Sanskrit Boards and Haryana with predictable education system with mobility across them and equivalence between them, the HCOS wishes to work in close association with the Open Schools, State Open Schools, Sanskrit Boards and Haryana. In this regard, HCOS will also follow the norms for conducting examinations as also follow National Curriculum Framework, as amended from time to time HCOS was envisaged as a comprehensive instructional release institution that offered the autonomy to students to get education without the bottleneck of attending daily classes. We have succeeded in creating a distance education program as a planned extended learning endeavour. HCOS has gained an expertise in delivering instructional possessions and thereby providing opportunities to students located away from the organization.


Secondary (SSLC) ,Senior Secondary Courses (PLUS TWO) & VOCATIONAL COURSES

Valid For

Private Jobs

Abroad Attestation (Except Saudi & Qatar)

Higher Education

Acceptable at most Universities

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